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 Infraction Date vBusinessAddressComplaint TypeDevice TypeStatus
4/16/2024 BP3126 Secor Rd. Toledo, OH 43606Motor FuelMotor Fuel Dispenser Closed
4/3/2024 Sunoco3503 Hill Ave. Toledo, OH 43607Price ErrorsOther Closed
3/30/2024 Kroger4925 Jackman Rd. Toledo, OH 43613Price ErrorsPoint-of-Sale System Closed
3/30/2024 Lowe's1136 W. Alexis Rd. Toledo, OH 43612Price ErrorsPoint-of-Sale System Closed
3/28/2024 Select Laundry421 Main St. Toledo, OH 43605Short Weight/Measure/CountOther Closed
3/24/2024 S&G8256 W. Central Ave. Toledo, OHPrice ErrorsMotor Fuel Dispenser Closed
3/22/2024 Sam's Club1300 E. Mall Dr. Holland, OH 43528Short Weight/Measure/CountMotor Fuel Dispenser Closed
3/11/2024 Marathon2955 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43606Other ComplaintsOther Closed
3/11/2024 We Be Ribs21 Wenz Rd. Toledo, OH 43615Short Weight/Measure/CountOther Closed
3/11/2024 S&G905 South Ave. Toledo, OH Fuel QualityMotor Fuel Dispenser Closed
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